If you are an author who publishes with a traditional publisher, the information here is vital to you. Please read it! I really wish I had known more about my rights before signing a contract.
First, the required disclaimer that publishers love to remind us to include to avoid their lawsuits: Keep in mind I am not an attorney, so this is not legal advice. This is only what I have learned after eighteen years of signing contracts and publishing (at this date) 45 books.
Please note that this post comes from my blog on Teyla Rachel Branton. More specifically from a post entitled Authors—Take Back Your Book Rights Before It’s Too Late.
Did you sign away your rights without really understanding what you were doing? Well, a little-known copyright law allows authors to eventually get back their rights. So authors who had the misfortune to sign a contract with an unscrupulous or small publisher, who did not include a return of rights, have some recourse besides paying big bucks to get back what should been returned to them as a matter of course . . .
Abel Keogh
+1. Thanks so much for posting this!
So wish I could have read this when I was 25
Lisa Swinton
good advice!