The apology letter was the one place Rushton really had the chance to shine.
A Writer’s Life

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Nunes VS Rushton Copyright Infringement Case is Finally Over
I’m happy to announce that the final chapter in my copyright infringement case against Tiffany Rushton has been written.
Summary Judgment in Nunes VS Rushton Copyright Infringement Case
After three and a half years, summary judgment has come in on the Nunes VS Rushton copyright infringement case.
My Pen Name Novels
Many readers like to stick to one genre, but some love to follow authors no matter what genre they write. If you’re that kind of reader, check out the sci-fi and urban fantasy books I write under the name Teyla Branton and mainstream sweet romances under the name Rachel Branton.
Today I Am Grateful
For those of you who have followed the story about my novel being plagiarized and the subsequent harassment, you know that the past two and a half weeks hasn’t been easy for me.
Authors, Take Back Your Book Rights Before It’s Too Late!
If you are an author who publishes with a traditional publisher, the information here is vital to you. Please read it! I really wish I had known more about my rights before signing a contract.
The Creation of Daughter of a King
I’m often asked how I came up with the idea for my picture book Daughter of a King. Here’s the scoop on the three-year journey behind the story.
Amazing Baby and a Free Book
Then it happened. Yes, you guessed it. Lisbon threw up all over Liana’s throat and shirt.
Update #2 on Baby Lisbon
We are now very close to holding our baby in our arms. If Lisbon does not make an appearance by herself this coming weekend (26-28th), we will induce labor on August 30th.
Update on Baby Lisbon
I’ve decided to take baby steps. A few paragraphs on my novel here, a load of laundry there, answering an email between naps. It’s slow going.